2 packaging types to consider for your needs

2 packaging types to consider for your needs

packaging type 2 packaging types to consider for your needs
While it is true that different businesses have different needs for cardboard packaging products, the same is also true for the various goods that a business offers. It is necessary to choose the proper cardboard packaging type in order to ensure the safe delivery of goods to their destinations. So here is a brief introduction to two common cardboard box types: honeycomb and corrugated.

Honeycomb cardboard boxes : a durable type of box

Honeycomb cardboard, known for its exceptional lightness, has numerous alveoli, each of varying sizes. The latter’s presence ensures that this type of cardboard will maintain its well-known high level of resistance ( between 8 and 110 PSI). It is typically advised to choose a thick honeycomb cardboard in order to get the best resistance possible.

By selecting the right type of alveoli, it is possible to create a cardboard that is extremely durable and shock-absorbing without adding any weight. This combines the best aspects of both worlds while guaranteeing lower transportation costs.

To be more precise, the carton is made of thin cardboard sheets that are adhered together and then folded twice to reach the desired height. This ensures that the product is packaged properly. Remember that the height varies from 6 to 150 millimetres.

A multipurpose cardboard : corrugated cardboard

Corrugated cardboard is made up of one or more sheets that are themselves adhered to one or more sheets of plain paper. There are several variations of this type of cardboard. Here are the main ones:
The cardboard is passed through a clamp made of two rolls that have been heated and tanned to form a gear, creating the spline that can be seen. The corrugated cardboard can be used to transport both light and heavy items due to its extreme versatility. It also has various heights or amplitude slats depending on the use.

As a result, bulkier, heavier goods are packaged using higher splines (between 4 and 4.8 mm), whereas common goods are packaged using lower amplitude splines (0.5 to 1.6 mm). For your knowledge “micro splines” are the name given to these extremely small amplitude splines.

For example, the corrugated cardboard is used to make isothermal boxes for the delivery of food or pharmaceutical goods. Cross-contamination risk and any potential negative effects are eliminated because these boxes are not intended to be used a second time. This type of cardboard is recyclable, which helps to further reduce the possibility of cross-contamination. Any bacteria and other microorganisms that might be on its surface are killed by temperature increases that occur during this process. Consequently, this kind of cardboard can be used once more safely after being recycled.

Box packaging design : where to start?

Box packaging design : how to get started?

Conception et design d'emballages de carton - Cardboard packaging design conception
Whether the intention is to modernize or update an existing packaging or to create a new one, the box packaging design must start with consideration of the company’s brand image, its values, its distinctiveness, and the characteristics of the products packaged.

Designing your box with the brand in mind

Understanding the company’s brand image is essential when designing a box packaging. The brand is intended to serve as the process’s main pillar. Although packaging aesthetic appeal is important, the company’s core values must also be reflected in it. Integrity, first-rate customer service, or continuous product improvement are just a few examples.

Clarifying the message that one wants to convey to consumers is crucial if one wants the packaging to effectively communicate with the target audience. The first thing to think about when designing a box packaging is enabling the business’s assets to be displayed.

Cardboard box designing : how to get ahead of the competition

While a company’s values should be reflected in the box packaging design, it should also give that company a chance to stand out from its competitors. Finding out what the company’s unique selling points are is necessary. Why does it maintain its exclusivity and what distinguishes it from the competition?

At this stage, it’s possible to have a solid understanding of the packaging’s general design and the elements that would be displayed on it, such as:

Design of a cardboard packaging : a distinctive logo

A cardboard packaging design should be built around a recognizable image if it hopes to make an impression on viewers. Choose a unique logo to avoid any confusion with the logos of other businesses.

Design of a cardboard packaging : important information

When designing a cardboard packaging, the following elements should be taken into consideration in addition to selecting the logo and graphic elements that will be used on it :
Always keep in mind how important it is to select a high-quality box that is precisely suited to the product’s characteristics. Customers are likely to perceive the careful packaging and safe delivery of the delivered goods as a sign of professionalism, which is advantageous for keeping their business.

How many boxes fit on a pallet?

How many boxes fit on a pallet?

packaging type How many boxes fit on a pallet?
It is crucial to prepare the shipping pallets properly in order for an order to be delivered in a good port. How many cartons boxes can be placed on a pallet is a question that a lot of people ask to our team. Here is the answer!

How many boxes fit on a pallet: a crucial calculation

Remember that it is imperative to stack the heaviest cartons first on the pallet in order to maximize the number of cardboard boxes that can be placed on a pallet. The lighter boxes placed higher up will not damage them. Additionally, in order to prevent damaging the stacking of the other pallets, the top of the pallet should be as flat as possible.

How many boxes can fit on a pallet is a question that requires two pieces of information in order to answer accurately:

Here is an exemple :

There are numerous configurations given that a box can be arranged on a pallet in various ways. Divide a given quantity by a different number several times in order to get a good idea of the options available.

Even though it is possible to get more than one probability, one can choose to only get three in order to get a good idea of the potential outcomes. Based on the aforementioned details, here is an example:
packaging type How many boxes fit on a pallet?
How many boxes will this pallet hold? According to the outcomes of the cross-sections carried out above, the configuration that permits the most boxes to be placed on the pallet is the second, with a total of 360 boxes.

How many boxes on a pallet

As was already mentioned, how the boxes are arranged greatly influences how many boxes can be stacked on a pallet. Since the objective is to maximize the space used on specific pallets, carefully considering each option and giving this exercise enough time is essential.

By packing your packages as tightly as you can, you can ship packages with fewer pallets and make the most of the available space inside the truck.

Additionally, keep in mind that a more compact filling of the boxes will increase the stability of the pallet during transportation. In order to ensure the safe transportation of the goods, it is crucial to inquire not only about how many cartons can be placed on the pallet but also about how the boxes should be organized.

How many boxes can you fit on a pallet? Depending on how meticulously you were when calculating the probabilities associated with where the boxes were placed on your pallet, you could find the most accurate answer to this question.

Why choose a thick honeycomb cardboard?

Why choose a thick honeycomb cardboard?

packaging type Why choose a thick honeycomb cardboard?
Honeycomb cardboard is renowned for its many benefits, including their light weight, high resistance, capacity for shock absorption, and ability to effectively protect the goods they hold. Due to the exceptional lightness of the honeycomb cardboard, businesses that use it can significantly lower shipping costs. It is frequently advised to select a thick honeycomb cardboard when thinking about a packaging product.

Thick honeycomb cardboard : a good choice

A hive-like appearance is conferred on honeycomb cardboard by the presence of alveoli. Vacant spaces inside of packaging can be filled with this kind of cardboard. Its thickness can range from 6 to 150 mm.

The cardboard’s resistance level will directly depend on its thickness. For this reason, selecting a thick honeycomb cardboard is a wise choice when transporting heavy items like furniture or home appliances.

Thick honeycomb cardboard : protection against shock

Therefore, a thick honeycomb cardboard provides the opportunity to ship large objects while reducing the risk of damage during transport. Keep in mind that smaller, sometimes extremely fragile objects (like video game consoles and other electronic items) would also highly benefit from the protection provided by a thick honeycomb cardboard.

Choosing a honeycomb cardboard is a wise choice because it can be challenging to guarantee that no substantial shocks will occur during rail or road transport.

Customer complaints about receiving damaged goods are less common when using honeycomb cardboard. Preventing this issue reduces unnecessary financial losses because the replacement of goods sent represents a financial loss for any business.

Thick honeycomb cardboard replaces wood packaging

A thick honeycomb cardboard will have a resistance similar to more expensive materials like treated wood. Also , it ensures two benefits that wood does not: lightness and the potential for recycling. As a result, it can be used to create cardboard pallets that are as durable as wood pallets. You can enjoy the best of both worlds with this packaging product.

Despite the fact that thick honeycomb cardboard is not naturally resistant to fire, insects, or mould, it can be treated to be. It is also important to note that this treatment increases the thick honeycomb cardboard’s hardness, maximizing its capacity to effectively fulfil its protective role during the transportation of goods.

Do you want to know more about this product? Click on this link : Why chose honeycomb cardboard?

How to choose your isothermal packaging for shipment?

How to choose your isothermal
packaging for shipment?

boîte isotherme - isothermal box
Despite the fact that conventional boxes can be used to deliver a wide range of goods, they cannot be used to deliver items that are subject to temperature variations, such as food or medications.

Companies that operate in either of these industries will require a packaging option, such as the isothermal box, that can maintain the product’s temperature during transportation.

Here is a brief summary of the numerous factors to consider when picking an isothermal box for shipment.

Isothermal packaging for shipment: the criteria to consider


The first factor to take into account when selecting an isothermal shipping box is the required storage temperature for the delivered goods. Too high or too low of a temperature could harm the storage of goods during transportation and render them unfit for consumption.

Although a temperature difference is typically acceptable, it is crucial to know the required storage temperature in order to select an isothermal box for the intended shipment. You must therefore decide whether your products should be delivered:

Duration and transportation conditions

Finding out how much time will be required to ship the goods or food is important as well. The kind of isothermal packaging suggested will, in fact, depend on the shipping time needed.

It should be noted that the kind of isothermal packaging for shipment that will be recommended will depend on the mode of transport employed and the level of safety provided to the goods during the shipment period.

Preparing the isothermal packaging for shipment

An effective isothermal packaging typically needs to be prepared before use. Indeed , the briquettes that are a crucial component of this kind of packaging will need to be prepared. Simply put, you’ll need to make sure you have the necessary tools before you start (freezer or refrigerator).

In addition, only trained personnel should be able to prepare isothermal packaging. In this regard, appropriate training should be offered to personnel.

Size of the packaging

In order to select the proper isothermal packaging for shipping and delivery, just like with conventional packaging, it is critical to be aware of the size and dimensions of the delivered product.

The volume of goods to deliver

It is essential to know how many items will be delivered in order to select the appropriate packaging for shipping. Why should you ask? The product’s performance will be better if the box is fully filled, for no other reason than that. This essential guideline must be followed in order to experience maximum efficiency. The good news is that this method also saves money on shipping because fewer boxes are needed if your calculations are correct.

How can industrial packaging be reused?

How can industrial packaging be reused?

Emballage industrial en carton - Cardboard industrial packaging
Recycling industrial packaging is one way to cut back on production, but there is also the option of reusing it. This not only helps keep our environment clean, but it also eliminates spending money to buy them. How is daily reuse of industrial packaging possible?

Les emballages industriels : rangement et déménagements

The first piece of advice is to handle the industrial cardboard packaging with care and to refrain from getting carried away when opening the boxes.

Given that a cardboard box will be labelled and that doing so may be challenging, it is preferable to either reverse the box or cover the label before reusing it.

You just ordered an appliance? Because it comes in a large format box, that box can be reused as a storage container. Despite the fact that it may not be suitable for storing seasonal items such as winter clothing, it is still a viable option. Everyone benefits from having a well-organized and set-up space.

The benefit of boxes is, of course, that they can be disassembled and reused for future moves (your own or that of a loved one). They will not be a source of congestion if they take up little space.

Industrial packaging: for creative activities

Cardboard boxes can amuse kids in a variety of ways, even though this isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when trying to find a purpose for our new empty box. Large-format boxes can be turned into miniature homes, and smaller ones can be turned into decorative storage boxes. It only takes a few strokes of brushes, stickers, or silk paper to have everything you need for fun!

Shoe boxes can also be used to organize tea or spice bags in the dining room or convenience drawers. On a quiet weekend at home, decorating them might turn out to be a nice little project to do with the family.

Industrial packaging can be used for much more than just storing things; it can also be entertaining.

How to reduce packaging costs

How to reduce packaging costs

Emballage de carton sur mesure - Custom cardboard packaging
As packaging gets heavier, its cost rises and so does the price you’ll have to pay to send your goods. And no one wants to spend more money than what’s necessary. So, how can you reduce your packaging associated costs?

Choose a lightweight packaging material

It should be clear that not all packaging materials weigh the same. It is worthwhile to select a lighter packaging material because you will pay more for a package that weighs more. This will bring down your average packaging costs.

Since cardboard is so much lighter than plastic, you will gain from choosing it while also making an eco-friendly choice.

Selecting packaging materials that fit the package

Choosing a standard packaging often means choosing a packaging that is frequently too large and inappropriate for the shape of the good we are trying to ship. As a result, costs are higher than they would be if the packaging product had been better adapted to the actual size and weight of the package.

For anyone looking to lower the average cost of packaging, using a packaging product like a custom cardboard box is an interesting strategy option. You’ll stay away from overpacking and the associated extra expenses that come with it. The good news is that there are a variety of custom packaging options available, including sheets, pallets, light panels, blocks, and many others.

Let’s not forget that a package that is not overpacked requires the workforce that is in charge of this step to mobilize less time to pack it. By doing this, you’ll be able to lower packaging average cost.

Keeping things simple will lower the cost of packaging

Some businesses want to include little extras in packages they send out to customers as a way to give them a discount or to present items that go along with the one they just bought.

The intention is not to give up on this type of marketing tactic, but it is crucial to determine whether it is profitable for your company. The game is probably worthwhile if the conversion rate is high of this tactic is high. Otherwise, giving up this marketing tactic would be a simple way to lower the average cost of packaging by lowering the size and weight of the package.

Even if all signs point to the fact that your customers do notice these small extras in your packages, printing your business’s offers or promotions directly on the cardboard could be a better solution to lower price and get more free exposure at the door step of your client.

One supplier could be the key

Although it could be true that sourcing your packaging needs from multiple vendors will increase competition in your best interest, we all know that big orders frequently qualify for advantageous discounts.

You will not only be able to lower the average cost of an emballage and buy large quantities of packaging products at discounted rates as a result of this, but you will also benefit from the following advantages:

What are the different types of packaging materials?

What are the different types
of packaging materials?

produit de carton alvéolé - honeycomb cardboard products
It’s critical to take into account each step of the purchasing process when you want to increase your customer base as a business. The first step in this process is the packaging material, whereas the packaging material itself reflects a company’s values.

Although cardboard has all the attributes that make it an eco-friendly material choice, there are other options as well.

Packaging materials: available options


Despite being less common than cardboard as a packaging material, wood is occasionally preferred for packages weighing up to 500 kg. It is known for having an extremely high strength and can be adjusted to fit packages of different sizes, shapes, and weights.

Both the variety of finishes it offers and its attractive appearance make it a compelling choice. Food transportation companies utilize it frequently.


Small objects are frequently wrapped with paper. It is useful because of its flexibility. It is primarily used to shield items from potential damage brought on by light, moisture, and the surrounding dust.


Despite having a bad reputation due to the fact that it is not biodegradable, plastic is still utilized by a numerous companies. Why? Its transparency is essential for the sale of goods that must be visible to consumers in order to be purchased (such as food) while being shielded from the elements. Plastic is the only material that one ought to employ to ensure food preservation. It is also the only one that can provide a protection against air, water, and oil.

Plastic will continue to be a common packaging material, with the hope that a recyclable material will provide the same advantages in a near future.


Sterilization of packaging is a major issue in the food industry. The packaging material most appropriate for this technical requirement is metal. Its conductivity, resistance to pressure changes, and tolerance to temperature changes all aid in the sterilization process.

Additionally, its waterproofness is undoubtedly another benefit when selecting a packaging material for a food product. Food or liquid that could be contaminated by metal particles is shielded from such by an internal protective layer.


The most common type of packaging is the cardboard. To begin with, it should be noted that this one is adaptable and can accommodate packages of various sizes, shapes, and weights. This is true of its many variations:
Despite not being fire or moisture resistant (unless processed) and being slightly susceptible to damage during transportation, its relatively light weight lowers shipping costs. Its relatively light weight lowers shipping costs even though it is not fire or moisture resistant (unless processed) and can slightly be damaged during transportation. This material can also withstand an impressive amount of weight.

It is frequently chosen due to its biodegradable qualities. Limiting the amount of waste produced and helping to protect the environment by using 100% recycled and recyclable cardboard is a smart move for every type of business.

Get to know the benefits of cardboard packaging

Get to know the benefits of cardboard packaging

boîte isotherme - isothermal box
Consumers are becoming more and more aware of how their purchases affect the environment. While the first step in reflection is to consider the products you’ve bought, you should also consider the packaging those products came in. There is a wide variety of packaging products, so there is not a shortage of options. If you want to choose a packaging product responsibly as a consumer, you must be aware of the benefits of cardboard packaging.

Numerous benefits of cardboard packaging

Even though everyone is familiar with this product, it can be challenging to precisely and concisely describe the benefits of cardboard packaging. What is there to say about them? Cardboard packaging :

Honeycomb cardboard packaging

Among the various types of cardboard used for product packaging, honeycomb cardboard is the star. It has numerous and varied advantages!

It is renowned for both its extremely high strength and its capacity to absorb shocks. All that is because of the alveoli that make up its structure. This makes it the perfect cardboard for sending fragile packages, which get damaged more easily and quickly than other items when transported by road or rail. This, off course, includes electronic products that can be easily damaged.

Because fewer damaged package returns are expected with honeycomb cardboard packaging due to damaged goods, the costs associated with refunds will be lower overall. Amongst the biggest advantages of honeycomb cardboard is its great lightness. In fact, the latter enables those who select it as a packaging product to save money on package shipping expenses.

Cardboard: for an eco-friendly choice

Cardboard is a packaging material that is 100% recyclable and 100% made from recycled materials. Regardless of the industry in which a company operates, choosing cardboard is a smart move because it is crucial to contribute to the overall effort to reduce waste.

Naturally, cardboard many benefits encourage us to affirm its status as a top choice for protecting the environment and reducing its current deterioration. Cardboard is the definite choice worth considering whether for ethical or financial reasons.

Why endorse eco-friendly packaging in Canada?

Why do we prefer eco-friendly
packaging in Canada?

packaging type Why endorse eco-friendly packaging in Canada?
We are all aware that packaging contributes significantly to environmental pollution. This is especially true now that e-commerce is more widely utilized, making it simpler than ever to purchase a variety of goods. The question then arises: how can eco-friendly packaging in Canada contribute to reversing this trend and what are the other benefits arising from this choice?

Preserving the environment through honeycomb cardboard

Canadian businesses are significantly reducing consumer waste generation by deciding to invest in eco-friendly packaging. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to use cardboard that is 100% recycled and 100% recyclable, like honeycomb cardboard, to contribute to the overall waste reduction effort.

The result of using eco-friendly packaging in Canada is a reduction in the amount of raw materials consumed, a reduction in waste produced, and a healthier circular economy.

Eco-friendly packaging in Canada: a new concern

Consumers are increasingly concerned about the state of the environment and the practices that have a detrimental effect on it. Due to their increased environmental consciousness, consumers are becoming more and more interested in environmentally friendly packaging.

A company interested in meeting this new moral duty that arose into Canadians minds will see it as a business opportunity. Companies that choose to use eco-friendly packaging in Canada will soon have caught the attention of aware customers. Utilizing eco-friendly (recycled and recyclable) packaging, such as honeycomb cardboard, and placing a label indicating this purpose on the packaging allows a company to take a stand and demonstrate its values to ecologically concerned clients. Answering your clients’ concerns is an effective way to keep them loyal.

Therefore, it is obvious that a business would have a financial incentive to build its brand reputation around this issue. This is what will make eco-friendly packaging in Canada a promising trend in the upcoming years!

Ecological packaging in Canada: a way to stand out

Eco-friendly packaging in Canada offers a company much more than just a means of gaining customers’ loyalty; it also enables it to set itself apart from rivals. This is a huge benefit for any company, especially given how fierce the competition is.

By allowing customers to select customizable packaging products that reflect the company’s brand, ecological packaging demonstrates its usefulness. Because of this, ecological-friendly packaging in Canada will give businesses a unique way to stand out thanks to both the ecological nature of the product and its distinctive style.

Eco-friendly packaging is unquestionably a smart move for any Canadian company looking to grow its clientele, enhance its brand image, and lessen its impact on the environment. There are so many different ways for a business to win over customers’ hearts!
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