Among the various types of cardboard used for product packaging, honeycomb cardboard is the star. It has numerous and varied advantages!
It is renowned for both its extremely high strength and its capacity to absorb shocks. All that is because of the alveoli that make up its structure. This makes it the perfect cardboard for sending fragile packages, which get damaged more easily and quickly than other items when transported by road or rail. This, off course, includes electronic products that can be easily damaged.
Because fewer damaged package returns are expected with honeycomb cardboard packaging due to damaged goods, the costs associated with refunds will be lower overall. Amongst the biggest advantages of honeycomb cardboard is its great lightness. In fact, the latter enables those who select it as a packaging product to save money on package shipping expenses.
Cardboard is a packaging material that is 100% recyclable and 100% made from recycled materials. Regardless of the industry in which a company operates, choosing cardboard is a smart move because it is crucial to contribute to the overall effort to reduce waste.
Naturally, cardboard many benefits encourage us to affirm its status as a top choice for protecting the environment and reducing its current deterioration. Cardboard is the definite choice worth considering whether for ethical or financial reasons.